It's crazy to think that it took them until the 3rd game to add Karaoke. Oh and I guess they decided to make the first like 4 chapters about Kiryu running an orphanage. It's a decent plotline and I feel is essential to his character but damn I can see why people don't like it. The plot is just fine and certain characters like Rikiya and Mine really carry the games story but that twist of the CIA twin brother is so stupid (I mean it's no rubber bullets but it's up there). Early game combat is also pretty bad, like IDK if it was a skill issue on my part but the first Majima was the hardest fight in the game, and that's just because Kiryu is pathetically weak and doesn't have access to any of his good moves (Komaki's tiger drop). However over time I started to enjoy my time with this game, It's not a bad game by any means but compared to the other Yakuza games it's just a weaker entry. Also the Kiryu fake out death scene near the end in never gonna be believable unless it's in Yakuza 9: Kiryu gets a hip replacement.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2024
