"I'm hanging on to the other side, I won't give up 'til the end of me!
I'm what you get when the stars collide, now face it, you're just an enemy!"

Sonic Frontiers is such a breath of fresh air for the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. After several years of disappointing to mediocre releases, a level of uncertainty within the fandom, and a lack of trust in Sonic Team, this game helped reignite my love for this series and remind me what made me fall in love with it in the first place.

The balance between open-zone gameplay and the more traditional Cyberspace levels is what helps keep the game feeling fresh. Sonic's control feels the tightest it's ever been in 3D, and just exploring every island to find new obstacles and obstacles is a rewarding experience in itself. The Titan fights are supremely well-done and deliver some fantastic boss encounters.

Although the story is simple, it feels very tight and well-written, no small thanks in part to Ian Flynn finally getting his hand at writing for the games. The arcs with each character feel so well-realized and legitimately helped repair my frustrations with some of the Sonic characters in the past era, especially Tails and Knuckles. Tails addresses his flaky character writing in the past games with a renewed vow to become more self-reliant, and Knuckles happily returns to his original characterization of being kind of naive and block-headed without being an absolute idiot and remaining a good, loyal friend.

Sage is a really strong character with such a beautiful progressive arc as she contemplates her relationships with both Eggman and Sonic, making her a character I hope can come back in some form. The voice acting is the best it's ever been for this cast, and the MUSIC! The music for the Cyberspace levels and the Titan encounters are amazing!

It's still not the holy grail Sonic fans have been waiting for, but it's an impressive step in the right direction. I think if they can work much harder on balancing the gameplay styles so they always feel fresh and you're not just doing the same things with Sonic over and over again, then this a new frontier of a winning formula for the blue Hedgehog.

For the first time in a long time, Sonic's future is looking bright.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2023
