As you may have already seen from other reviews, this is the ultimate Batman game. It's the cleanest, largest, and most detailed and immersive interpretation of the Caped Crusader in video game format. Ever since the first game in the trilogy, driving the Batmobile has always been an elusive dream of mine, so when I saw the Batmobile for the first time and got to drive it and blow up enemies, it was absolutely amazing. I really felt like Batman from Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. The combat was it's smoothest yet, and blowing up enemy tanks with the Batmobile was super fun. I played the game on hard, and the final tank fight was actually quite difficult, but other than that no extreme difficulty spikes. The gameplay did admittedly get somewhat repetitive near the end, but the story and smooth combat made me push through. The story was also the most interesting of the Rocksteady trilogy, starting off with the death of the Joker, and its effects on Batman's mental state throughout the game. The theme of fear throughout the whole game, from Batman's fear of killing, to Scarecrow's ideologies of fear, made for a very compelling story. The character of the Arkham Knight is my favorite villain and character in all of the Batman games. The unanticipated ending was wonderfully unique, unexpected, and memorable. I played this game on the base PS4, and the graphics were still amazing. There were some considerable drops in refresh rates at times, but I made do with them. The only thing that doesn't make this a perfect game was the redundancy in gameplay around the end. If you don't care at all about Batman (which I find hard to believe) it might not be the game for you, but as a fan of the Dark Knight trilogy and The Batman (2022), it was an incredible game, with awesome graphics, a compelling story, and great gameplay.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2023
