This review is strictly on the campaign as I'm not a multiplayer person. All I knew before getting into this game was that it's considered one of the best FPS campaigns out there and is quick to beat; naturally, I was sold. I did not expect to love this game as much as I did. I'm not a huge shooter gamer and suck at the ones I do play. I also had never played an FPS campaign before (Splatoon 2 & 3 being the closest). This game managed to grip me on its straightforward (in a great way) story with its detailed world and lovable characters. I did not expect to love a robot as much as I did. Did I mention the wallrunning? The platforming kept the game fresh from the monotony I hear of other not as good FPS campaigns, although I must clarify the game was never monotonous. Besides being a finely tuned masterpiece, my favorite part had to be: THE MECHS! Using the tracking missile gun was so satisfying and fun and keeping my health up made the final fights very tense. I played this game on regular as that was the recommended difficulty, and as a less experienced FPS player, I'm glad I went with the easier route to have fun instead of getting angry. After playing, I genuinely considered replaying the game, and I think eventually I absolutely will. Although I have heard of the “cinematic experience” in gaming, this was my first truly cinematic experience. I thought Marvel’s Spider-Man was my first cinematic experience in gaming, but Titanfall 2 manages to engross the player with so many delicious mechanics and colorful characters, I believe this to be first time I resonated and enjoyed a campaign so much. If you're not already sold, then I would sell this as the Portal 3 that never came out.

Reviewed on May 03, 2024
