After just over 40 hours I've completed Chained Echoes with majority of Side content done. I Skipped the 4 super bosses and some minor tasks.

Overall I enjoyed my time! It's a nostalgia trip that worked on me. Mechanically dense, has a nice tone, and a story that I found myself taking serious even if it doesn't fully live up to it's full potential.

I think the thing that works most for me is that it's not just Chrono Trigger with a twist, not just Xenogears but medievil etc. It is like a dozen or more games in here melded together into something that feels competent.

For someone who hasn't played all the classics, but somehow picked this up, it might just be a mind-blowing game. For someone who has it might be a bit boring.

For me it was a nice ode to an era that I love, and I'm glad it got made.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2023
