In our modern age of remakes, reboots, and revivals, 9 times out of 10, we usually see certain properties coming back that one would typically expect, due to them either having a major fanbase that demands their return, or they have just remained relative enough in the gaming scene to where a developer thinks bringing them back would be a neat idea. But then, you get those revivals, ones that bring back some of the most obscure, dormant franchises seemingly out of nowhere, with a brand new remake or entry in their series just for the sake of it, and while one may question how these managed to be brought back at all, in my case, I am more then happen to see some of these long forgotten series get some more attention again, like with Truxton and Pocky & Rocky. Not only that, but it gives people the opportunity to try out these series for themselves, see if they were any good, and maybe even find some new favorite titles along the way, so I figured I would go ahead and do the same by checking out the original Snow Bros.

I had heard about Snow Bros. from time to time beforehand, but I myself never took the time to play it for myself, because I thought the game looked pretty generic, and I thought it would just be a cheap way to cash in on something like Mario or whatever. But, my curiosity for this title did grow overtime, and when I discovered that this series was being brought back with an all new title coming out sometime this year, I figured I would go ahead and give it a shot. So, I decided to play it, and I then learned that rather than being a straight copy of Mario, it is… a straight copy of Bubble Bobble. Literally, it is basically the exact same game, and I’m not sure how they managed to get away with this without Taito lighting them up with lawyers back in the day, but you know what? After playing through the whole thing, I actually had a pretty great time with it, and dare I say, I think it is even BETTER than the original Bubble Bobble. Yeah, it doesn’t really introduce anything too creative or different from that game, but it manages to improve on certain aspects that I would say was for the best, making for a very enjoyable time.

The story is about as generic as they get, where the princesses Puripuri and Puchipuchi are captured and taken away by a group of vicious monsters, so the princes Nick and Tom, now transformed into living snowmen, must go and rescue them, which isn’t creative at all for a setup, but then again, if you came here expecting some kind of big epic story about some snowmen guys, you have the wrong mindset to be playing this game. The graphics are pretty good, having plenty of colorful stages and fun-looking enemies and characters, while also completing itself with nightmare-inducing boss designs (for the most part), so that is cool, the music is pretty good, having good tunes to listen to throughout the game, but like with Bubble Bobble, there aren’t too many of them to enjoy throughout the game, the control is decent enough, having all of the actions and movement that you would expect from a game like this, although I wish you could jump higher, and the gameplay is also what you would expect from a Bubble Bobble clone, but it still manages to be fun and addicting regardless of what it copied from.

The game is a 2D platformer, where you take control of either Nick or Tom, go through a set of 50 levels through five different worlds, take out every single enemy you see by turning them into snowballs and throwing them around the screen to defeat even more baddies, gather plenty of power-ups, food items, and money to either increase your score or give you a bigger advantage over the foes that you will face next, and face a handful of bosses that seem easy to deal with at first, but then get progressively tougher to where you will really need to watch what you’re doing at all times. Those who played Bubble Bobble will know exactly what they are getting to with this title, and it manages to copy the gameplay from that game almost perfectly, with it not only still being as fun and addicting to play as before, especially with a buddy to tag along with, but it also improves on some things I wasn’t quite a fan of in that original game.

In my opinion, the way that you take out enemies in this game, when compared to what came before this, is much more satisfying and rewarding to use. While it does require a lot less skill at times, it is great to just find an enemy, build them up into a snowball, and just launch them throughout the stage, taking out many different other enemies in the process, as they can do nothing about it but prepare for the inevitable. It does make things easier than other games, but not to the point where it stops being fun, and there are still plenty of challenges that you will face throughout your journey. Not only that, but they make getting through this game a lot less stressful and cryptic then in Bubble Bobble. There are 50 stages, which is a lot, but it doesn’t feel as tedious as points as that other game, there are bosses for every world, and they are very fun to take on, while being challenging enough to where you need to be careful with what you do, and there isn’t some hidden, cryptic item you need to get in order to truly beat the game, so thank god for that. And finally, there are the power-ups in this game, which in comparison to BB, are pretty fucking sweet. You get power-ups that increase your speed, ones that increase the range of your shot, one that makes your shots do more damage, and even one where you inflate like a balloon and can fly around all over the place, taking out whatever enemies lie before you. They aren’t exactly the most creative of power-ups, but they do make the experience that much more enjoyable if you manage to hold onto them, and discovering some of them, like the balloon one, did make me laugh pretty hard, so that is cool.

With all that being said though, if you are someone who didn’t really like games like Bubble Bobble, then you aren’t gonna be a big fan of this one, because again, it is mostly the same game. It has all the hiccups and problems you could find in that game, and while I wouldn’t say it hinders the experience at all for me, others may not agree with that sentiment. Not to mention, like I mentioned before, I do have a bit of a problem when it comes to your jump height, as I feel it is way too short. Sure, this doesn’t become much of a problem for most of the stages, but there would be some points where I would end up getting stuck in a level because I would end up in a spot I couldn’t get out of, and none of the enemies would come to me so I could build a snowball to use, making it so that I had no choice but to die and lose my power-ups. That shit is just annoying.

Overall, despite some annoyances here or there with the jump height and some annoying enemies and hazards, Snow Bros. was quite a surprise, being great not just as a clone game, but also as a game in general, providing plenty of fun for those who are willing to go through all of the levels, but not too much to the point where it gets tiring, and with a buddy to tag along, I’m sure anyone could have a great time with this. I would definitely recommend it for those who are fans of games like Bubble Bobble, as well as those who are just fans of arcade platformers in general, because while this isn’t one of the bigger, more noteworthy ones, it is still just as fun as all of the others, and that’s all that really matters at the end of the day. Although, I will say, we never do end up seeing Nick and Tom getting turned back into regular people, so I guess they will just stay as snowmen until they die………. that’s fucked up.

Game #533

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2024
