If you couldn't tell already by my name and PFP, I fucking ADORE the Mega Man franchise. It is without a doubt my favorite THING of all time, and while I may not have played every game in the series, the ones I have played are enough to win me over immensely.

However, with that being said, I can take off my love goggles for a second and see that for the original Mega Man has aged a lot, especially after 30 years. It is the first in the series I have played, so I do have a bit of a soft spot for it, and I do love the game, but regardless, it has problems.

The story, if you even know what it is, is simple, and it gets you excited, the graphics are pretty good, the music is very catchy and iconic, the control is pretty good, except for your somewhat slippery movement, the gameplay is fun as fuck and addicting, and the ending is simple, but nice.

However, it has a lot of issues. The level design is very poor, especially compared to later entries, the enemy placement is obnoxious, the special weapons, with a few exceptions, aren't really that useful outside of bosses, the bosses themselves range from being pathetically easy to ridiculously hard, some of the enemies are just a pain, and THAT FUCKING COVER ART. At least in the US, it is hilariously awful.

Nonetheless, like I said earlier, it was the first Mega Man game I ever played, and it does hold a special place in my heart, so I'll give it a higher rating then it deserves.

Overall, while it may not be perfect by any means, this game is still really fun and addicting to this day, and it was the wonderful start to my favorite franchise of all time.

Game #18

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2023
