In terms of what is considered the hardest NES games ever released, many different names could come to mind. Castlevania III, Ghosts 'n Goblins, Ninja Gaiden, Gradius, the list goes on. However, if you were to ask me of what I would consider the absolute hardest game on the system, I would say Battletoads without a doubt. I haven't played all of the NES games, but I have played a good chunk of them (as you can see), and out of all of them, THIS one is the most difficult.

Having said that, I would still consider the game to be pretty good. Yeah, the difficulty can become a problem a lot of the time, but it's still a pretty unique and memorable title for the NES.

The story is extremely simple, and pretty much what you would expect from a TMNT clone, the graphics are pretty good, as you would expect, the music is catchy as hell and iconic, even the pause menu theme, the control is simple enough, although the movement can be a little wonky, and the gameplay is solid enough, while also providing a ton of variety for the player.

The game, at it's core, is a beat-'em-up, where you move from left to right, defeating enemies and bosses, using weapons and gaining 1ups, and making sure you don't die in the process. However, aside from that, there are many different kinds of stages that you will take on that diverge from the regular gameplay, such as stages where you ride motorbikes through a fuck ton of obstacles, climbing stages where you jump on snakes, stages where you have to run away from things, and several other different gameplay styles.

All of this makes for a very unique and fun time for the NES, as it not only sticks closely to its beat-'em-up basics for the whole game, but the many different kinds of stage gimmicks does keep the game interesting, and it makes you wanna keep going to see what the game does next. I wouldn't say all of the different gimmicks work, but for the most part, they are pretty solid.

However, then there is the one problem with the game... IT IS EXTREMELY FUCKING HARD. I wasn't joking when I said this is the hardest NES game I have ever played, or even one of the hardest games I have ever played in general. There are so many different kinds of obstacles, quick reaction times, and challenges that the game will throw at you sporadically, and if you aren't an absolute god on the controls, you WILL die. It also doesn't help that there is no password or save system either.

One example I want to bring up is with Stage 11, the Clinger-Winger. In this stage, you are racing through this track while this sphere of light death or whatever is following you the entire time, and in order to avoid it, you have to get boosts along the track by pressing the right directional button at each turn EXACTLY when you are turning. Now, this in itself doesn't sound too bad, and I know it isn't impossible, but it almost seems like it. I was only able to beat it thanks to an exploit with the Rare Replay port, and no, I do not feel ashamed for doing that, because they expected kids in the 90s to beat this.

Overall, while the game is FUCKING HARD, it is still a pretty solid title for the NES, and a great start for what would become one of Rare's oldest and most iconic franchises.

Game #127

Reviewed on May 02, 2023


1 year ago

If we're counting general frustration towards difficulty, I'd like to nominate Dr. Chaos for one of the hardest NES games. If you haven't played it, you're in for an experience if you get around to it.

11 months ago

I think theres something to be said about how making this game THIS difficult has given it an extremely lasting reputation and mystique. It maybe doesnt translate to sales but I think more games could try to have the same kind of slow-burning cultural presence, theres something to it imo (but maybe not)