I've only played this game and the one before it at the time of writing, so it's quite obvious to me that this game is a huge dip in quality from the last one. This game isn't nearly as consistent as the previous game. Justice for All has its first two cases pretty alright without much memorabilia to them and its third case is just extremely annoying when it comes to trial.

However, the fourth and final case of this game is arguably the best of the maybe 9 or 10 cases I've played with this series. I really like the fact that it throws several curveballs in terms of what you come to expect being a defense attorney. Suffice it to say, this final case HARD carries this entire game.

Still a bit disappointed in the lack of different types of cases. Like the first game, it sticks you just murder cases you solve. Really wish that whenever I get to the third game that gripe is fixed. Also, I didn't really like the fact that a lot of the staple soundtrack was changed in this game. I found the soundtrack of the first game to be very iconic given how many times I've seen it used across the internet, so maybe I'm just being grumpy, but it felt a bit off-putting that I was hearing different tunes altogether than what I came to expect.

3/5. Kinda wish this game didn't really exist but the final case of this game makes up for everything I had to bear before it.

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2023
