Ah... I was stoked to play Cold Steel after finishing off Zero and Azure - 3D! Erebonia! Olivier lore! Cold Steel I comes off as a padded adventure. For anime JRPG standards, I don't think the cast is terrible. I like Rean and Crow's dynamic, Rean and Jusis have some nice moments during that night scene, Alisa and Rean are cute at times. I probably would have finished this but the game pads everything out over 80 hours, character backstories get shuffled off to the second installment. To cap it off there's no canon love interest, and Rean is a boring protagonist, making it worse.

There's just too much noticeable repetition, Erebonia is too big but somehow, it doesn't FEEL big in the way Liberl felt big, because you're shuttled around in a train all the time.

I quit after about 20 hours and skimmed the rest on YouTube.

I liked a handful of moments - Alisa in her parents' home, Claire and Rean at the bar. But overall I don't think I could recommend this unless you're a die-hard Trails fan (hi...)

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2022
