bit of a grab-bag-genre of a game. Originally for mobile phones, it got ported to PC and Switch in recent years.

The premise is you move to an tiny island from the city for 5 days, where the character is tasked as the caretaker of some little shack. Like 3 or 4 people live on the island, there's a low/hide tide which affects some stuff, but mostly you just choose areas from a map and talk to the single character there.

There are a few romance options, the usual tropes, basic stuff about island life vs. city, the smallness of the social networks on the island. It was nothing mind-blowing but was surprisingly more than I expected.

You go around parts of the island and play minigames - if you do well in them, characters will teach you skills, like getting better at fishing, how to expand your home. You don't need materials to build your home, you just spend time - which is the main resource in the game.

You get to invite women to your home at some point, but other than that the game felt pretty flat and the minigames weren't particularly interesting or inspired.

I guess if there's anything novel, it's interesting to have minigames with achievements, and tie the achievements to unlockables or social relations in the main game. But like a lot of minigame-focused games, the minigames are usually pretty bad...

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023
