One of the weirdest localizations of all time. Like I know why they made Totally Rad, I understand that. What was the value of turning a penguin into a Funko Pop? Unknown. Freon Leon is an all-time good character name though.

Anyway the game's fine, but mainly held together by charm. The english script has an unbelievably terse quality that makes me smile everytime, and the characters are all lovely to look at. But it's like, it's fine right? It's just pretty much fine. Like it's no Castlevania 2 alright? One of the weird things about the pacing is that there's no health upgrades until the back third of the game at which point you get a bunch at once and have no hope of efficiently filling them. Mostly, the game's not too tough, but there's some tricky bits and you have to go back to one specific point when you die. And also it's a password system but listen. It's 2024 I didn't have to deal with that. I honestly feel like I'll like the new one better! Not planning to find out any time soon though. I have a lot of games to play and it's like 30 bucks.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024
