A kinda-sorta roguelike ish game about the indescribable horrors of startup culture. You're an unpaid marketing intern who is instead made to delve into the dungeons created by other startups that have been dissolved by the Amazon/Google parody corp and fight with whatever crap you can find lying around. Lots of weapon durability mechanics and so on if you don't like that kind of thing.

The play is fine but nothing I found particularly engaging. Enemies are just a bit beefier than I'd like and there's a lot of clutter that makes avoiding damage very difficult. The writing and aesthetic sense is what shines here, and if you are also bitter about capitalism then you will perhaps also enjoy it! The flavor text for avacado toast, a healing item, is "the delicious alternative to home ownership." The company boss calls everyone rockstars constantly.

The dungeons are really well realized and distinct down to even having a whole cryptocurrency-themed startup where you manage it as an additional currency alongside real money. There aren't very many of them, though, and you will have to repeat each numerous times to complete little missions etc for upgrades. I got bored before I was done and turned on assist mode to just get the end of the story.

Speaking of which, it does end up oddly focused on algorithms as the ultimate evil and is somehow less harsh on Amazon than you'd expect because of this. That said, the game is just like the devs screaming at you to unionize so I'm being very unfair with that complaint.

My favorite character is the software engineer who hates computers because that's me. I'm also that.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

wow u criticize society and yet u participate in it