Star Wars! I am not a particular fan of the franchise other than having seen the movies. Not the Disney ones the real ones. Also I generally think first person shooters are a dogshit genre. So with that in mind I think this game is pretty bad.

The Star Wars part of it actually kicks ass though. Great digitized faces. Kyle Katarn is a very funny dude who can punch things extremely hard, takes down a big lizard with just one fist. If he'd been there in the New Hope trash compactor things woulda gone different let me tell you. This sucker predates Duke 3D and like, Goldeneye, and there's a lot of elements that I associate with those games in here. Varied mission objectives, for example, even if they're never really complicating things beyond moving through areas and hitting E sometimes. Every level has a very distinct identity visually and a unique story backing with very fun mission briefings written in character. You kill Boba Fett in this which is very funny.

Unfortunately the part where you actually play the game is deeply unpleasant. Impossible to avoid damage without memorization, guesswork and pure luck. Very little weapon variety and ammo is so scarce as to be annoying. The level designs are cool at seeming like an actual place but this means you go around hunting for tiny, impossible-to-see switches for like half the game, with the way forward often completely inscrutable dogshit. The verticality of things really works against you when looking up and down is a massive bother on the hands and eyes. Some of these issues would be helped if there were mid-mission saves, but there are not. Hope you can see those tiny pixellated mines that kill you instantly. Fuck you if you fail to make a jump in an engine that is not at all designed for platforming but we filled the levels with pits

Do not like game one bit, do think it's very ambitious, do want to see more Kyle.

Reviewed on May 14, 2023


11 months ago

I'm definitely more positive on this game, but I can't definitely see where your complaints come from. I remember a few levels where the layouts kind loop back in on themselves but it becomes hard to see what new path actually opened, and there was one with this large rotating thing in the middle of an open room that I kept going right past a mission objective in.

Also, I wish Backloggd would fix whatever dumb issue is causing people's reviews to not hit feeds. Apparently I've missed a lot of yours...

11 months ago

@Weatherby I'm in a state of constant fear of how many banger reviews I'm not seeing. Hopefully everyone is like me and just playing Zelda for 900 hours

11 months ago

Are you doing the thing where you mark the review as unplayed and then marking it played again? Apparently that's the only way to reliably get stuff into feeds. Considering how long the issue has been going on for I think it's just a feature at this point to make it a pain in the ass to actually see content from people you follow.

11 months ago

@Weatherby I read that and then forgot it so I'll have to remember from now on

11 months ago

i think this game rocks so

friendship over