The most mid that has ever midded. Pokemon has a franchise seems like it tries just a LITTLE to spice up the formula but gives up becaues they want every game to be like R/B because it will always be someone's first Pokemon game.
I like that the series is trying to have some more emphasis on story and characters, but it'd be a lie to tell you it's good. I actually liked gigamax but that's an unpopular opinion I won't talk about it or I might get flamed on twitter.
There's a lot of good designs in this game, and I kinda liked that the game had a limited pokedex but that's also a hot take.
It's pokemon. Still the same formula, still skimping out on post game, still doesn't want to commit to anything new.
The game did let me get a Shellos really early so I can get my GOAT Gastrdon really early unlike the last 4 fucking gens so that's like a whole star on it's own.

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2020
