I'm a pretty big Gwent and Witcher fan so Thronebreaker was a no brainer for me, especially when it came on sale for like 10 bucks. I got a lot of hours of play from it though it wasn't without certain frustrations. Perhaps the most egregious was the final battle difficulty spike that I basically had to rearrange the deck I'd been using for a dozen hours to create a cheap exploit in order to win. Up until that point battles had gotten to the point of being ridiculously easy so the game definitely needs to adjust it's settings here. I get that's difficult in a card based battle system but still, resorting to overpowering the final boss with ridiculous abilities is always an annoyance.

Despite that set back though the plot is one of the best I've ever seen for a CCVG, if you dig the Witcher universe, books, TV Show or just love the plot of the games then this one is worth diving into for the story alone.

This is one spin off that could very much use a sequel and I think certain improvements could make it absolutely amazing. Being able to play different decks/armies would be the main advantage, since using the same basic deck most of the game gets a little repetitive when you find a working strategy. Also simply the ability to create multiple decks to swap between would be nice, having to tear down and rebuild is a drag.

Other than that I don't have a ton left to say, Meve is a fascinating main character and I loved a lot of the side characters. Fingers crossed we get a second one of some kind.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2020
