Genuinely one of the best platformers ever made, full of endless amounts of charm and soul. The psychics engine in this game is very impressive, especially considering this game was made on 2006 hardware. Creating levels is an absolute joy as the in game tutorials are full of the series' trademark British humour. Despite the official servers not being around anymore, there exist all sorts of community ran servers and archive projects to make you reexperience old levels or dive into a swath of new ones. Remarkably, the only difference between current and old LBP community levels is that the new ones use more contemporary memes while being about the same in quality.

The only real issues with the game are the lack of more substantial level creation tools and to some extent the story not being as fleshed out or memorable as it is in later entries (Except LBP3, screw Sumo and Sony.)

May LBP shitposting live on for another hundred years.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

Even without any servers at all, the unbelievable amount of charm (best way i can explain it) in each level of the single player mode made it easily one of my favourite 2D platformers ever. Honestly when i consider everything about the game its probably equal to stuff like celeste for me.