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The gameplay is the same as the first 2 games but more simplified with an added wingsuit for faster travel and an unreliable parry system.

The Story is where everything falls apart.

Venom's plotline could've been better. The "World Domination" trope is so overdone and doesn't fit venom. imagine if Vemon was more like Taskmaster from the first game where he unexpectedly grabs you mid-swing and beats the shit outta you, forcing you to be on your guard throughout the game.

The main thing I can't stand are the MJ Stealth missions, what crack were they smoking bringing them back? and now she's able to one-shot the same enemies Peter or Miles would have to use a full combo to defeat; You know... the characters with SUPER STRENGH? it breaks the immersion, especially when they changed her character model to be a self-insert of one of the writers. Yikes

Overall instead of wasting time trying so hard to prop up Manly Jaw Wattson as a gurl boss who need no man, that time could've went to devolping Harry's inner turmoil with venom. (playing as venom in more sections)

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2024
