A fun concept of running a sushi restaurant with the many different fish you catch yourself, reminded me of Sanji's end-goal from One Piece.


> Very pleasant pixelated artstyle with some fun cutscenes, Giving the characters lots of charm.

> Loads of different fish with neat little trivia text for each and plenty of ways to catch them with various gadgets you can unlock.

> There's always a sense of progression: everything you do matters to the development of your restaurant.


> The game has a "roguelike" element where if you die during a dive you lose all the stuff you've collected. Wasting your time.

> The aiming system and enemy hit boxes feel way off, it ruined the the game for me when the bullet misses the fish by a pixel.

> The "RNG" for hostiles and air-refills are really frustrating, on multiple occasions a tough enemy would spawn right on top a air-refill you really needed. (This is what made me drop the game halfway, I had a lot of quest related items which took time to find which also made me overemcumberd and when I needed air while heading back to the boat a big ass shark spawned on top of it... Fuck me I guess)

Overall it's a decent game with a fun concept but not for everyone, especially the ones who don't enjoy rouge-likes.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
