I really really enjoyed this game. The story was really good and the writing was the icing on the cake. The Guardians really felt like they did in the movies. A band of misfits that found a family between themselves.

The combat was really fun for me. I can see how sometimes it would get repetitive, but for me, I had fun with every encounter. One aspect I really liked is that, as Star-Lord, you really felt like a team leader; commanding the team during combat, hyping up the team, and choosing dialog that affects how you're team is feeling in the moment.

My one major complaint was during a mission to find Fin Fang Foom and my game completely glitched and I couldn't tell Drax to move a rock for me to progress forward. I didn't find it a big deal and decided to wait for an update to hopefully fix the game, but there was no such fix until 6-7 months after first getting it. After I was able to pass that, I enjoyed the rest of my experience with the game.

Reviewed on May 09, 2024
