i thought a lot ab Florence, somewhat in a positive way (this is essentially a full release version of my favorite pair of vignettes from that game) but both illustrate a difficulty in constructing these kinds of domestic narratives as the greatest imaginable catharsis just seems to be Having Being Working Class Work Out For U In The End. but its genuinely sweet and kind in a way that did move me almost to tears in the last segment, and that im sure ill Remember even if i did just imply that its insubstantial. but ofc its rly most important as a proof of concept for its unique ludic storytelling, i rly cant not appreciate how thoroughly it uses all of its tools as methods of expression, including the occasionally fiddly invisible rules that determine the roughly Correct position for a thing. while there are elements of player expression, its more about empathizing with a wordless faceless character and in that way it retains the focus that allows its final segment to be such a concentrated (and completely uninsistent!) emotional crescendo. this does kinda illustrate some of my problems with Wholesome games (particularly in grounded realistic settings), as the aversion to conflict can end up a bit status quo-y for my tastes, but as a ludic and emotional exercise i prefer it quite a bit to Florence (which i do like!) and im sure i'll remember it fondly

Reviewed on Mar 16, 2023
