Contrary to what you might have heard, none of the puzzles required to beat Tunic are particularly tricky. I'm sure you can beat the final boss and roll credits without a guide. But where Tunic gets you is the sense of understanding you garner as you play. New mechanics get you thinking "was that always there?" And it WAS. And at the same time, it couldn't have been because you weren't seeing it in a particular way at first. I discovered two mechanics before they were explained to me, and it felt great and exciting both times. Really there's no other way to explain it than this, and I suggest you explore every nook and cranny as you play. Try everything, everywhere. Don't be afraid to decrease difficulty during combat either, we both know that's not why you're here.

This is not to say, however, that Tunic does not have hard puzzles... if you want the true ending, bring three friends and a notebook...

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2022
