It's hard to talk about this game without sounding like a pompous wannabe philosopher, but at the end of the day, this is a game about basic philosophical concepts.

Simply put, Talos Principle explores the concept of religion, god, free will, and the idea of what means to be a person.
For me, the game explored these concepts quite effectively. You awake in a veritable Garden of Eden and you're given a disembodied voice, who as far as your concerned is kind and caring, and you accept that you must follow along. Later in, a "snake in garden" type entity starts leaving secret messages about the levels, sowing doubts about this voice, and tempting you into making your own choices. During these puzzles you also come across graffiti messages from those that came before you. These characters range from devout loyal to the word of the god character, to more curious and questioning characters, and they debate their philosophies on the walls of the levels.

I found the concepts interesting at the time, though they may come of as trite or cliched concepts to explore to some, i mean it's all very philosophy 101 type explorations. so you have to be in the right mood and mind set for that sort of thing

Surprisingly this surrounds an extremely competent level based 3d puzzle game, easily in league with the likes of the portal series. Wherein you will enter a themed room based on the world level and complete to puzzle to earn a piece, that you need all the pieces of to complete the world puzzle. In this case it's usually fitting a bunch of tetrominos into a box.
The levels themselves are Complete with the "get the cube on the platform" type stuff, as well as their own twist on various puzzle concepts. They were all great 10/10 levels for me, the later levels definitely had me stumped for some time.
Additionally, there is also secret cipher type puzzles around the world as whole and a bunch of other bonus puzzles.

I really loved this game, I liked exploring philosophy or considering concepts, and I always love a puzzle game, it had it all for me.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
