So many cool ideas and things to see here, but its construction and switching between hubs the way it does makes it unbearable to actually play unless you're a youtuber wanting to look very surprised at seeing random wacky things for long enough to make a video.

Reviewed on May 13, 2022

1 Comment

8 months ago

somewhat unnecessary addendum, but i've thought about this review a few times since posting it and i just want to say whoever made this clearly shares my love for super mario 64 and an interest in its development, and i think they made a cool, interesting thing. but i stand by what i said in that their desire to make you feel hopelessly lost means i could never get invested in completing a level because my ability to replay it was instantly taken away, which produces a huge amount of friction with how i play games. plus, i find its attempts at horror to be pretty uninteresting, but every other game like this is also guilty of that. anyway, i didn't want to have the most liked review of this game on this site (atm) without making it clear i think the people who made it did a good job, it just really wasn't for me.