Edit: Finished post game. My opinion is that it's even better than before LOL

I've always said that there's not any game that's perfect, and that every game has very obvious flaws if you get nit-picky (or in the case of bad games, you don't need to)

but Reverie is the closest thing to perfection I've had the pleasure of playing, there was not a single thing about this game i disliked or thought was lacking, combat is my favorite combat ever, characters from past games which i already loved (and the new ones were also very good, on my top tier of trails character for sure), ost was insanely good, story kept me hooked from the beginning (i'm a crossbell fan, yes, it checks out)

there's simply not a thing i didn't love about this game. it let's you play however you want it, doesn't punish you for not grinding any of your ~50 characters and provides excellent ways to level them up and to always go around changing your party if you want to with creative and fun missions that don't punish you for not grinding

the only bad thing? i can't go around recommending it because you need to play 9 games before this LMAOOO, maybe it's a good thing, this way i can't be as obnoxious as i was with the DGS Duology.

definitely my favorite game ever and i hope the trails series keeps attracting new players with each new entry because it's 100% the best rpg series to ever be made. can't wait to keep playing with kuro and future arcs

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023


9 months ago

De nada, saludos.

3 months ago

i just wanted to come back here and say that this game is peak

gracias a mi amigazo @Zephon por carrearme la vida con la recomendación de esta saga

2 months ago

A las órdenes.