I love RoR2. It is one of those roguelites that challenge you to completely break it. Everything you do gives you an affect, for example, "+15% attack speed". Cool, now print that 20 times for 300% attack speed, become the machine gun you've always meant to be. This philosophy extends to every item, and there are many.
If you play your cards right, you can become so powerful that you can win by doing absolutely nothing. The game tries to spawn enemies equal to your power. Well, you can become so powerful that the game is unable to find anything worth challenging you with, so it stops spawning enemies. You have become the God of nothing.

The gameplay is highly addictive. Opening chests, seeking what items you get. Listening to the incredible soundtrack in the background, trying to manipulate the RNG in a way that gives you a consistent build.

Playing with friends gives you an even better experience. Fight over items, spawn the boss before everyone is ready, get upset when your friend who specced into 200% speed can get into every chest before you, then all suffer when that same friend who hoarded the items jumps into the wrong enemy and dies, leaving you all powerless to do much else.

It's great fun, tons to do. My only complaint is that it only has about 200 hours of gameplay before you run out of things to do. Now what will I do with all of my time? Play The Binding of Isaac?

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2023
