Dredge is a fantastic little game where you're on a boat, you fish for money, use money to upgrade your boat so you can catch bigger fish.
The story has an Eldritch horror vibe to it, but that's mostly what it is, just a vibe. It rarely affects gameplay, and when it does it's very minor like a boat that sails towards you, but uh oh it turns out it's a big fish. There are a couple of tricks like this one, but that's mostly it.
Sometimes you are asked to fish up eldritch fish, which is cool, but they are not really different from normal fish other than cosmetically.

I love this game, don't get me wrong. The fishing is like crack, and upgrading your boat is a ton of fun. But as is the case with almost all Team17 games, you get the feeling that this could have been so much more if they supported the developer more. The horror aspects just aren't realized, and you get the feeling that the night time could have been so much more than what it is. A more risky, tense fishing experience. But no, you get a sanity meter, if it fills you die.
I really hope this developer makes Dredge 2 with a different publisher and gets to realize the incredible game this could have been.

That aside, I still recommend Dredge. The different environments are pretty, the fishing is great, and it's an overall great time. There's nothing quite like it. I wish the dev the best of luck.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2023
