This game is a fun time.

I like it, really like it for what it is. Never understood people that didn't like it. Hell, I prefer this over GTA V.

Aiden Pearce is someone that feels real, doesn't feel like a walking steriotype. Altrough his character isn't totally fleshed out in the story, we can see glimpses of him through out it without giving us long boring expositions or flashbacks.

It's a typical open world, but you can hack things. Yeah, but it sadly doesn't get much deeper than trigger one single action:
"On/Off". Watch Dogs 2 actually improved on this mechanic making it a bit more interesting to mess around with objects. The world itself feels alive, not totally detail but it feels alive. NPC doing silly stuff, profiles, random events. Very cool.

The story, is...let's say it's a videogame story focused on progression. That's why it's good mixed with the gameplay in my opinion compared to most modern GTA games that think they're godamn Hollywood.

The driving feels like shit. Cars are made out of cardboard, the camera is a bitch, the sounds are basic, the radio is mid. It's not a good experience driving in this game, avoid it.

In short. It's a fun silly revenge game.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
