Pretty good, I liked it. Although I've played much better games, at least this one isn't just another one of the bunch.

The world is beautiful, nothing compared to the Playstation 2 games that still had their charm but this one takes the crown by far. So much so that there are terminologies for certain types of groups: Lu'cie, Fal'cie, Ci'eth. At the start the story seems all to be throwing nothing but nonesense words and you don't understand anything but after they repeat so much about what each thing does and what its function is, you end up learning it anyways.

Another thing that I noticed is that the levels are very linear, excessively linear. 80% of the game is all straight sections with a couple of deviations that at the end bring you back to the main path. It was kind of bad at first, although the scenarios were nice to go walk on, everything was a straight line with one little exception. I tried to explore to see if I could find secret areas or something like that but nothing alike, it's very predictable in that sense so I gave up on exploring and tried to move on as fast as possible.

The combat system is very good, it helps a lot to the dynamism in the fights and you have to react in a matter of seconds. It's so fast compared to other turn-based RPGs that you barely have time to think, see your spells and whatnot. I ended up giving automatic combat almost the entire game and the most control I had was changing formations, oh and that's another one. Formations are key to any fight, one bad formation and you're dead in seconds. After every fight your character heals all your life from one thing that I think ruins the immersion and doesn't give you that survival touch that other RPGs have. More thinking about the linearity of the scenarios.

The game is around 50 hours long, I gave it a couple more to be clear on some things.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
