Creatively and graphically (well, for a PSP game) amazing but gameplay quickly becomes super stale as the levels have very little differentiating them. I've played platform games where I can remember every single level because of how many unique ideas and mechanics the devs put in to each of them, but with LocoRoco I cannot remember a single one of them, and I didn't play it very long ago. They're incredibly samey. To make it worse, the games' pacing is terrifying slow and the controls feel REALLY sluggish.

I'd also like to criticize the game's soundtrack. Some of the tracks are pretty good, like "Yellow's Theme". But the majority of them are either so irritating that I wanted to tear my ears out (and this is coming from someone who likes Birthday Cake from the Jet Set Radio Future soundtrack) or, as another reviewer pointed out, kind of racist.

I really wanted to like this game because I have fond memories of playing the demo over and over again when I was young, but I can't look past how monotonous the level design really is. If you want an artistically-unique and charming game that ALSO warrants repeat playthroughs, play Parappa the Rapper or LittleBigPlanet.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2021
