In the end, I was ready for it to end, but still, Outer Wilds and its DLC was a beautiful story to discover piece by piece. I know it has been said many, many times so far, but the satisfaction of slowly learning about the story of this small solar system and its inhabitants is something you don't see commonly in exploration games Perhaps it is because of OW's puzzle-based structure, which makes discovering new things even more enjoyable since there are some puzzles that wants you to combine all you learned so far. Anyways, I'm glad I avoided the spoilers for this game for all this time, because otherwise I would lose the core element of the game: Let your curiosity guide you.

My only nitpick is that near the late game, I was a bit tired of the main gameplay loop, but thankfully the game ended before it could sour the rest of the game's taste. Definitely play it if you think you could enjoy a slow but ultimately satisfying adventure.


Reviewed on Apr 20, 2024
