Jet Set Radio Future is neither a sequel nor a remake, it is more accurately described as a "reimagining", like SmileBit thought "okay let's say that the Dreamcast game we released a few years ago never existed and we come up with this parallel universe kind of alternative instead".

JSRF is a vast improvement from its predecessor in many areas, it has an even slicker visual design, even more delicious ear candy, and a revised control scheme that makes this all a far more tolerable experience. And yet, it still has a few rough spots on the surface that still make it far from perfect. There is this recurring problem in the game that you can easily lose momentum and you have to regain it by winding back, and the spraycan system is not really helping much still. In retrospective, I realized this game would actually benefit a lot more if it had more friction as you are accelerating.

All that said and done, JSRF is still one shining gem of the XBOX, and it would be foolish from me to say you shouldn't get it.

Fly like a butterfly.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2023
