This actually had a lot of potential and could be surprisingly fun.

A candy crush clone, but honestly better than candy crush and at LEAST puts in SOME effort in utilising its IP. It’s got nothing on Bejeweled, of course, and the micro-transactions are still bad. P.S - my mother is obsessed with this game, help!

Predatory garbage. Literally pressures you to bypass a paywall by blackmailing you with your child character’s life. Bruh. Fuck this game. What wasted potential yet again.

Quite obviously the best game of all time, snubbed for GOTY by biased shills who don’t want to admit their folly in even attempting to develop games anymore when this masterpiece has made them all obsolete.

Ahhh, this game brings back so many fond memories.

This game is a sad shame - such beautiful graphics for a mobile game which drew 14 year old me in and got me addicted, until I researched the micro-transactions and just how difficult it was to get good cars without paying, which basically made me quit the game. Sad how such things can ruin otherwise cool experiences like this.

Fuck me, this game was hard! I want to play this again as an adult to see if it was nearly as hard as I remember, or if it was just me being a kid.

Legendary game, a staple of my childhood and one of my first truly defining racing game experiences.

I haven’t made the switch over to LIVE from the TCGO, and haven’t actually played it myself, but trust me - fuck this game. Do NOT get it, it’s a disgraceful, greedy monetisation platform that is such an enormous downgrade from the old game that it’s ridiculous and inexcusable. Absolutely awful, a huge disappointment and middle-finger to the players. For more details, check out the videos by Rattle Pokémon and the one on my channel VulKus. This is the worst ‘update’ to a game I’ve ever seen, it makes Halo CE: Anniversary look like a flawless masterpiece.

It is an absolute travesty how this game was lost due to Apple’s stupid policy forcing old games to become unplayable unless the developers updated it. This was an excellent, unique game, blending Risk and Scrabble in such a fun, characterful way. I’d love to play it again someday.

The closest this series came to being worth a damn. It’s painful to see how much incredible potential was pissed up the wall by greedy and incompetent AAA CEOs, crunching their poor developers and treating their fans and workers alike as trash.