I abandoned the game at the end because the gameplay is ridiculous, the game mode system was extremely unbalanced, I played in hard mode and it was even bearable, but in the final missions, many people arrived with weapons, and in hard mode you die with 2 shots and you can't dodge them, I got severe headaches because of this game and the worst part of all is that I can't change the difficulty of the game, I advise everyone who wants to torture themselves playing this game, to play on normal!

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2024


3 months ago

I was playing in normal difficulty and that final stretch of the game was still unbearable. Not only for the bullshit difficulty (I could've passed that if I tried more times), but at that point the game has nothing to offer anymore. The gameplay is so cheap and it gets so effing repetitive...

3 months ago

i gave this game a chance because of the nostalgia factor and being about one of my favorite characters from the Marvel universe, but this game is very half-assed and boring