A recent all time favourite of mine. Having gained my adoration for the Dragon Quest series with Dragon Quest VIII on the Nintendo 3DS in 2017, I had to find out first hand where it all began and Dragon Quest I quickly became one of my favourite games. Simple, straightforward game design with the immediately lovable art style of Akira Toriyama’s original monster designs, Dragon Quest offers an extremely concise portal into the role playing game genre, allowing new players to experience a still grand and sprawling but simple adventure while offering experienced players with a balanced challenge and fun battle system to engage with. I find myself booting up the game just to listen to the overworld music and to battle slimes every so often. At a playtime under a mere 8 to 10 hours on first play, it is a must-play for anyone interested in JRPGs or players looking to see where it all began for the Dragon Quest series.

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2020
