Loved the story, open world, graphics, new mechanics, and enemy variety! The The grappling hook added some variety. The open world was a big improvement! The new cortana is a good story twist and I liked the new pilot guy. The upgrades to the deployable shield, the dash, the anti-invisibility, and the hook, were all fun to work towards. Helping the soldiers and then them appearing at Fobs was fun and helps build the realism. The raidable areas were fun as well. The hitlist of banished was fun, although by the end I wiped them all with the hornet. I liked the new enemy force of the banished. The weapon verity was impressive. The enemy verity was more impressive! The boss battles are memorable. Especially the two battles with the flying robota nd his sarcasm akin to glados in portal. Didn't love the limited objectives or linear ending. Awesome game overall!

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2023
