An amazing game that could've been perfect, but sadly isn't.

The combat is seriously incredible. Everything blends in perfectly, and even though there isn't any build variety, you can still have your own play style thanks to the prosthetic arm. One nitpick that I do have however Is that the beginning of the game Is a bit too brutal, especially some minibosses. They REALLY didn't need to deal so much damage.

The peak of the game is without a doubt the boss fights, especially the ones in which you fight other swordmans. The thing Is, sadly there really aren't a lot of fights like that. A lot of them feel more like Dark Souls/Bloodborne bosses, which is a shame, since a couple of them really don't fit too well with the combat system.
I also wasn't a huge fan of the exploration and level design in this game; I thought It was a bit too confusing, and most areas felt a bit empty.

The game looks incredible, most sceneries are beautiful, and the cutscenes are great. Music is good and fitting for the atmosphere, too.

Aside from the few flaws I mentioned above, when this game Is good, it's really, really good. The bosses I enjoyed where some of the best I've ever beaten in a videogame, to the point that I wanted to try and fight them again even after beating them.
I hope we see more games like this from FS in the future.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2024
