At the beginning i was enjoying it more than Dead Island 1, but then it all went to shit later on because yet again this game is plagued by so many fucking bugs and glitches, it's so easy to get stuck and die and in turn lose money (Yes, you lose money in this game every death like the first one, genuinely one of the worst fucking things in this whole game, especially because 80% of your deaths will be from bugs.)

Apart from the bugs, dogshit game design, the story is really boring and never picked up anywhere. I didn't even do all the side quests like i did in the first one because holy shit these ones are so goddamn repetitive and boring and i genuinely just wanted to finish the game.

The maps in this game = HORRENDOUS, at times they expect you to go through a complex place with no fucking guidance other than a green circle, and the maps certainly dont help because there are no actual waypoint lines like other games so you are bound to walk into dead ends multiple times (i did). Also i fucking hated the boat in this game, obviously needed for the jungle since its flooded but those dumb fucking water zombies make it so slow to get anywhere.

Basically the only good thing about this game are the locations, the Jungle and Henderson is beautiful, but the feel and vibe of those beautiful places are completely removed when you realize youre playing this game and youre gonna go do some more repetitive shit filled with bugs right when you move from a beautiful location. When i first came to Henderson i thought it looked beautiful, which it really does! But i was instantly hit with a dreaded main quest where i had to walk back and forth making me stressed (in a genuinely dreadful way because of how repetitive this game is) which then took me out of the "wow this is beautiful" vibe and took me straight into despair and the feeling of dread making the location not seem so beautiful anymore.

The combat is a little bit improved, with a few more abilities for all heroes. I really appreciate the fact they added the "Staff" Because its genuinely the only hand weapon that actually feels fast, the others feel so slow but the staff is faster than every other hand weapon. Which made the combat more bearable, also had to resort to using guns later on because i got so fucking bored with the hand weapon combat even with the staff, but the staffs kept me going early on and when i had no ammo. Hand combat is slow as fuck is what i'm trying to say.

Obviously i've written a lot of shit about this game but i did enjoy parts of it, i will never make myself play it again though.

Reviewed on May 01, 2024
