is "boomer shooter" the only time boomer isn't used at least somewhat derogatorily? i mean, doom is bad, but this is very good and feels very differently than the somewhat boring combat of doom. Maybe its how manic the game can get with its unique encounters and bombastic weapons. but it does have its share of bull, with, yes, very fast hitscan cultists and moments every one will die to at least once at, but once you get through at most the first episode, you will be able to take care of stuff like that much better.
Pacing can be very fast with a lot of stuff and locations happening very quickly that makes it so i don't really remember a lot of it. It just jumps from horror trope to horror trope so fast that it's tone and artstyle loops back into more humor than stuff like doom which can take itself too seriously with the game it's trying to make. but the cutscenes are good, they make my eyes bleed, but the shots and imagery make them very impactful even when the gameplay relies more on camp.
Anyway, i played fresh supply, some episodes on lightly broiled, a couple on well done, very good and stands out despite its age, but it still got jank in its pockets.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2024
