The Fallout TV show got me back into fallout like so many others, i wanted to actually try the original this time after having it in my steam library for like 10 years untouched.

There is so much i really like about Fallout 1, atmosphere, music, writing, the wasteland itself - and after a good 5-minute struggle to figure out how to even attack a rat or equip an item honestly the way the game controls does start to flow once you get the hang of it.

The pacing of the main story is very poor, almost none existent - i do like the initial hook to get the water chip, it's a great way to start the journey and get out into the world but after that i just feel it falls very flat.

The combat is also honestly just frustrating and this is where my enjoyment kinda stopped, loved exploring and being in the world and the combat was fine until you get further in and fight lots of enemies at once its just utter chaos and its very boring just watching the cpu take like 8 turns in a row and for your own companions having the intelligence of a fly.

Overall, I'm glad i played and experienced the original fallout, and it is really cool to see what Bethesda took from the original and what it changed.

Reviewed on May 05, 2024
