This game starts off so incredibly in the first half. It's the first game times a million in every way. The gameplay's way better, the game looks and runs like god on ultra even on an RX 580, the tone's goofier and not as good but moments of character interaction and building had my jaw on the floor in a lot of scenes. So many more taboos and risky ideas and themes, it's great. Easy 4.5 stars. But then something happens about halfway through. After an awesome level, after a character building moment between BJ and another character that had my jaw through the floor and on my scalp, followed by an awesome gameplay sequence with a fun setpiece, something happens. It's so fucking jarring, so fucking out of place, so fucking stupid, and so fucking mind-bogglingly offputting that it hurts my head to think about what the devs were actually hoping to achive. I think they just ran out of ideas. After that point, every aspect of the game apart from the gameplay just fucking stops like they hit an orphanage while driving at the speed of sound. All the stakes and worry are removed from the game. The hints of the darker and more mature tone are thrown out the window.

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2020
