My biggest struggle with Final Fantasy V is that it has yet to hook me 12 hours in. I feel like I can’t properly review the game because I stopped close to the halfway point. So I guess I’ll give a half review.

Final Fantasy V has a “fun” premise without a lot of fun. There really isn’t anything interesting going on with the story nor does it have an ounce of the drama featured in Final Fantasy IV. Instead, FFV on a small group of characters going on a fun adventure and being put through funny scenarios. The premise of the game heavily relies on the characters playing off of each other in humorous scenarios but that doesn’t really work with me when I don’t find the writing to be that funny. There are a couple of moments that got a chuckle out of me but it’s just not enough to motivate me to push through the story.

The game’s biggest strength though has to be in its job system. I can see FFV be one of the most replayable in the series just from the sheer variety of jobs and how they change up the game. I really appreciate how the characters are all pretty close to eachother stat-wise so any character can fit any role. It brings a refreshing level of customization that doesn’t feel overwhelming in any way. The job system has actually been the sole motivator for me to continue playing through the game as it rewards experimenting with different job combos.

This is all I have to say about Final Fantasy V right now. I don’t know if I’m burnt out or the game isn’t engaging enough to keep me playing but I can’t find it in me to continue through it. I hope I can pick it up again someday and feel differently about it but as for right now, I’m going to play something else.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
