I actually had fun playing this game, to my surprise! The shooting is awkward, but bearable. The story is fun, but underdeveloped at times. Ryuji and Majima are written better than the other cast in this game, and this game's version of Ryuji seems very believable. Akiyama is barely in the game and this whole feeling of "Me and the boys" yakuza 4 and 5 provided is missing, as well as most of the emotional value (But there is that Pops moment, it's sad. Poor Ryuji) The final is very hype anyway and is probably the best written moment in the entire game. Soundtrack is amazing, just as always. Bosses are mostly eh, but there are good bosses too in this game. Side content is just from 4, but you have no access to it most of the time so whatever. Frame drops happen occasionally, but they are not as bad as I expected them to be. This game was also supposed to be the final game in the series, these credits made me pretty emotional even, Kiryu's speech in the end is pretty cliché, but based too. Who knew 9 more games would come out lol (And that's just main series including remakes and ishin, since Kenzan is in the credits too)
This game is among the worst games in the series, but it's not exactly garbage and it deserves to be played in my opinion. A fun piece of this series history and Schrodinger's Canon

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2023
