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Future Redeemed was an unexpectedly early surprise in April. This DLC was basically a full on old-school expansion, clocking in around 30-ish hours for me and my semi-completionist habits. First and foremost, this was the same level of polish and detail that I've come to love from Xenoblade Chronicles (a continuing and surprising trend with the DLC expansions).

This expansion (which is what I'm going to call it from here on out) delivered all the XC fan service that we expected from the base game: Shulk and Rex, Colony 9, and Trinity Processor nonsense. And the music, continuing the trend of the expansion music being jazzier, delivered fully. Furthermore, the combat and party management was like a constrained (and thus more manageable) take on the systems from the base game.

I loved the inclusion of "map completion" showing you the different activities or unique monsters that remain in an area. It made it so satisfying to hunt down all the different points on the map and encouraged you even more to explore the big, beautiful maps that Monolith Soft are now known for making. I didn't finish fighting all the superbosses, but I did a LOT more than I normally would.

This is right up there with Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country as one of the best Xenoblade Chronicles experiences.

Honestly, Future Redeemed was a top-tier game and it wasn't even its own release.

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2024
