There are exactly 0 reasons for this to exist, all of these changes could've been implemented for Overwatch 1, yet for some reason Blizzard decided to remove its existence for this. Why did it need to be 5v5 now making a large amount of tanks so much less viable? Why remove post match commendations which helped to add a sense of pride and accomplishment as well as bragging to your friends and enemies? Why make the mid game scoreboard 10 times worse than the previous one? HOW DO YOU ADVERTISE A PVE MODE SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS GAME TO GIVE IT A REASON TO EXIST FOR IT TO NOT EVEN BE IN THE FUCKING GAME YET. It just adds up to making this game incredibly unnecessary which is a shame because I did really enjoy my time with the first Overwatch, and while it's not like I will never play this again because at its core, Overwatch 2 still retains much of the first games gameplay, its just such a soulless game.

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2022

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1 year ago

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11 months ago

Bryan Danielson once again proves he's the best not only at wrestling but video game review