A cool reinvention of the 90s pc classic, Wolfenstein the new order creates some interesting lore and a cool alternate reality world (well cool in the sense of imaginative I don't think it would be cool to live in a nazi world). what made this campaign for me is the fact that instead of going the modern shooter route of making levels linear, they structured it like an old pc shooter where the levels are mazes and you have to collect health packs and armor to stay alive, but without all the backtracking and getting lost in identical locations. I will say that the narrative and the characters kinda held it back for me though. I wanted to see more awesome locations and less cutscenes and characters explaining motivations. I'm not against story games, but for this kind of game, I don't really care about long metal gear solid cutscenes or side characters, the levels are what kept me engaged and constantly having story interrupt it with boring villains I don't care about (except for Frau Engel, I really liked her) it what kept me from giving this game a higher score.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024
