It's quite apparent that all hands are on deck working on the RE4 remake and they left the D-Team to figure out how to squeeze fans out of $20. They did not do a good job...

Shadows of Rose is the worst piece of content to ever plague the mainline Resident Evil series. It has a dreadfully boring story with horrific made-for-teens writing about a character that's insanely hard to give a shit about. The TPS perspective is a total afterthought and feels more like a janky fan mod than a proper implementation. The DLC takes you on a dull trek through hilariously recycled areas in a painfully linear fashion, and combat manages to feel really limp between the piss poor enemy variety and your only two available firearms being the weakest pistol and shotgun of the base game. It's insane how worthless this story expansion is, and that's really driven home by the fact that the final cutscene is... a repeat of the base game's final cutscene.

As for the other offerings of this expansion... 2 characters for Mercenaries mode which I don't like as much as 4-6's and TPS mode for the base game, which just gives you a worse-feeling game. Like I said, this view mode feels poorly thought out and it's embarrassing that it's an entire third of what $20 will get you when it feels like something most games would add for free in a patch..

As far as value goes this expansion is just sad. RE7's $30 expansion gave you a lot of content with varied gameplay, and an extra free DLC on top of that. 2 of these DLCs provided much appreciated expansions to the story that made it feel truly complete. Your $20 here gets you an awful 3 hour slog, shitty TPS mode, and a whopping 2 characters for Mercs mode. Embarrassing.

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2022
