clone of magic survival for android, and despite being on PC it manages to be worse. dont play it.

idk why this game isnt more widely loved. ive been playing it with my friends on my couch for a long ass time and it fails to get old. we discover new hilarious bugs nearly every time we play, and come up with new ways to have fun every single time. this game is what you make of it, and boy did we make a shitload of fun.

absolutely stunning. this game's combat manages to replicate the sheer epic whimsy and flow of spiderman beating people up in an incredibly enjoyable fashion. it ALSO has a engaging story, a shit ton of unlocks and sidequests for completionists, and MODS!!!! to top it off. loved every second of my 3 playthroughs.

the combat is endlessly fun and the game is thouroughly spattered with funny visual details, voicelines, and general hilarity. one feature i absolutely adore and use all the time outside of duel servers is the shuffle mode which automatically randomly picks a class and weapons every time you respawn, making the game feel fresher and more varied in gameplay style. buy it, it's great for casuals or tryhards, and will not disappoint anyone looking for an actually well-made multiplayer slasher.

it's THUG but with multiplayer and modding. makes for a perfect combination. definitely play it.

the gameplay is so incredibly polished, the levels are so fun to speed through, and the artstyle is so refreshing to look at. absolutely worth playing whether you mountain bike or not.

great if you like chess and/or silly shooters and have a friend to play it with

love love love this game, such a simple and fun concept made infinitely more appealing due to an amazing artstyle, great cards and gamemodes , and consistent monthly updates to keep the game fresh.

oh man, where to start... there is an innumerable amount of things wrong with this game so i cant possibly give it a possibly give it a positive review even though i would like to. I had an absolute blast playing this on PS4 due to the novelty and breadth of content but rampant poorly thought out and poorly executed updates on top of general buggy and bad game design led me to quickly drop it once i made the shift to PC. fun, but not worth the headache.

not interesting or unique in any way, but decent fun for a little while. meh.

just... a fun shooter. simple as that. entirely worth 100% completing, does not take long at all.