Started this game thinking "It can be THAT bad I enjoyed it as a kid" and ended with me cursing the developer with 10 generations of cancer.

half of the missions in this game don't even including driving which is a blessing in disguise because the driving in this DRIVER game fucking sucks and its mostly due to the garbage physics. for example you drive over a curb and there is a good chance that it sends you to Allah or does nothing. And its not like the shooting is any good either it just not and DO NOT GET ME STARTED ABOUT THE GOD. DAMN. FUCKING. BOATS.

Driv3r clearly suffers from being rushed out of door before GTA SA, but unlike modern games you release a game like this and you are damned forever and I don't think anyone bothered to rerelease a definitive addition.

The only good side of Driv3r 3 is how well done the cutscenes, music and story are nothing mind-blowing but it does stands out compared to the rest of the game. I just wish the in game mission music wasn't a 5 seconds loop.

And then you reach the end of the game where it leaves you off on some shoehorned cliff hanger and tells you to fuck off. Thanks game.

Overall steer clear of the game there are many kino Driver games to play like 1, 2 and San Francesco, hell even Parallel lines is decent. Driv3r 3 is simply not worth the effort time and brain power.

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2023


10 months ago

"A technical marvel that sets a new benchmark."
-PSM2 magazine, c. 2004

10 months ago

@DarkDante14 "The story is a bit complicated and hard to follow."