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Great game. The struggle between the stars army and Highland was very enjoyable to follow and collecting the 108 stars of destiny was a satisfying experience (aside from Gordon who I would like to personally fire spear through the gut). Luca Blight was delightfully evil and the final duel with Jowy was pretty kino. I really liked being able to recruit my Suikoden 1 hero and having a neat little section act like an epilogue for the first game but having to go to gregminster to recruit him EVERY TIME when the game likes to clear your party between plot events was a huge pain. It also sucked having a large chunk of the cities unavailable due to plot reasons when I'm just trying to collect stars but I understand why they did it. The strategy battles are also kinda lame with the damage being so inconsistent but I appreciate the novel concept. For the most part though, the game was a step up from its predecessor in how the story manages to come together so well despite the increase in scope as well as the more interesting cast and polished gameplay.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2021


2 years ago

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